Genoscience Pharma is committed to create strong relationships with world-renowned academic institutions and industry leaders sharing the same insight. Building a wide agreement network with academic laboratories, clinical sites and industrial leaders is central to Genoscience Pharma’s strategy. We are permanently looking for new collaborations in the field of oncology and liver diseases.
We Collaborate with World-renowned Scientists
Academic Collaborations
Since its creation, Genoscience Pharma has collaborated with many academic experts in the field of oncology for preclinical development studies, to better understand the underlying mechanisms of tumor growth, proliferation, cancer resistance and recurrence and the mechanism of action of our drug candidates. Successful collaborations were implemented.
- Pr Thomas Decaens (Institut Albert Bonniot, Grenoble, France)
- Pr Julie Pannequin (Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle, Montpellier, France)
- Pr Philippe Merle and Dr Claude Caron de Fromentel (CRCL, INSERM, Lyon, France)
- Pr Jérôme Boursier (Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire, Angers, France)
- Pr Patrice Codogno (Necker Institute for Sick Children, Paris, France)
- Pr Gilles Lalmanach (Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, Tours, France)
- Pr Raphaël Rodriguez (Curie Institute, Paris, France)
- Pr Daniel Olive (Center of Research in Cancerology of Marseille, France)
Industrial Collaborations
As to make the difference in cancer treatment, we have worked with the best in their field (due to confidential agreements, we are not yet allowed to disclose our collaborators).
Clinical Center Collaborations
The company has arousen interest of a great number of investigational centers and clinical networks through Europe and the USA.
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York (USA)
- Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels (Belgium)
- University Hospital of Grenoble (France)
- Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie of Lyon (France)
- Léon Bérard Center, Lyon (France)
- Saint-Joseph Hospital, AP-HP, Paris (France)
- Saint-Joseph Hospital, Marseille (France)